To get to the Photos Repair Library tool on your Mac, follow these steps:
- If Photos is open, close the app. Then, while you click to open Photos, hold down the Command and Option keys at the same time.
- In the window that opens, click Repair to start the repair process. You might be asked to enter your user account password.
The Repair Library tool analyzes the library's database and repairs any inconsistencies it detects. Depending on the size of your library, the repairs might take some time. When the process is done, Photos opens the library.
If you repair a library that's used with iCloud Photos, iCloud checks the library after the repair process completes to ensure everything is synced correctly.

First lets try sorting out Photos. Open Start Settings Apps Apps & features. Scroll down to Photos then select it. Click Advanced options. Restart your computer the check if Photos is working again. If not, you need to check the store for updates. First, try these options to fix the store app. Photos doesn’t copy the iPhoto images, but it uses a special kind of link that lets the same file exist in two places, avoiding increasing your storage requirements. Switch to Google Photos. Jul 09, 2019 Delete the Library (or Libraries) Launch Photos; Drag the Masters folder into Photos to import the photos back in; And whatever you do, don't go deleting any old iPhoto library on your system. As a part of the migration from iPhoto to Photos app, the developers chose to simply link to the photos already in the old library while adding photos to. When the process is done, Photos opens the library. If you repair a library that's used with iCloud Photos, iCloud checks the library after the repair process completes to ensure everything is synced correctly. If these steps still don't work, or you can't open the repair tool, contact Apple Support. Delete the Library (or Libraries) Launch Photos; Drag the Masters folder into Photos to import the photos back in; And whatever you do, don't go deleting any old iPhoto library on your system. As a part of the migration from iPhoto to Photos app, the developers chose to simply link to the photos already in the old library while adding photos to.

Photos Library Could Not Open 4302 Mac

Photos Library Could Not Open 4302 -
If these steps still don't work, or you can't open the repair tool, contact Apple Support.