*Warning! The following article does contain spoilers. Reader discretion is advised.

- Yoshi's Crafted World: Release Discussion and Hype Megathread Please use this as a general discussion and hype thread for this new release! Quick easy to answer questions, tips and tricks, and showing off your in-game clips or screenshots you've captured.
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- — Blockafeller, Yoshi's Crafted World. Blockafellers are a family of robot-like characters in Yoshi's Crafted World. They have springy arms, heads with a flower on top and a large nose, a singular 'foot' made out of a bottle cap, and bodies made out of cardboard boxes.
With the embargo period for Yoshi’s Crafted Worldnow well and truly over and the game now readily available on the Nintendo Switch, various videos have made their way to YouTube.

Sprout is a member of the Blockafeller species in Yoshi's Crafted World.Unlike the other members, he has a small plant sprout on his head (hence his name) as opposed to a full flower and has a smaller body than other Blockafellers (being about the size of his head), suggesting he may be much younger than the other Blockafellers. Anyway, Yoshi’s Crafted World begins with Kamek starting shit because Baby Bowser is a whiny little shit who wants these damn Dream Gems to make his dreams come true, or something. While trying to steal them, Kamek just ends up making a mess and the Gems go flying all over the damn place. All the Yoshis figure they better go get those Dream.
From walkthroughs to boss battles, almost all of the entirety of Yoshi’s Crafted World can be found online, including the reward for the game’s overall Smiley Flowers 100% completion.
Having played and reviewed the game myself, I did bring up the fact that after beating the game and clearing the post-game levels, players are then tasked with collecting the remaining 317 Smiley Flowers for a reward/game completion.
Unfortunately, the reward is what you would expect, a new costume of the Super Rare rarity and that’s your lot. It is a bit disappointing that there isn’t more to the reward, since it is quite the effort to obtain every last one of them.

Although I have yet to earn the Sundream Stone costume for myself, as I still have more flowers to acquire, I must admit, I am no longer in the rush I once was. A video of the special reward can be seen here below. (Feel free to skip to 05:39 if you’re in a hurry.)

Source:AbdallahSmash026 (YouTube)
Tags: Good-Feel, news, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Smiley Flowers, Spoilers, Yoshi's Crafted WorldYoshi's Crafted World Hide And Seek
Categorised in: Yoshi, News, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch
This post was written by Jack Longman
Yoshi's Crafted World Hide And Seek Be Afraid Of The Dark
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