- Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome V1.02 Patch 1
- Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome V1.02 Patch 2017
- Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome V1.02 Patch Notes
- Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome R18
Ema Tachibana is Miss Lonesome. Due to her huge built (tall) and resting bitch-face, she is feared by her classmate. Even thought she try to be nice… well lets just say it didn’t turn out well. Anyway due to treatment of her classmate she feel being invisible is better than being bullied so she try not to attract any kind of attention……
… Well of course things don’t go as plan. But first I must say I love this mc. I thought she gonna be the gloomy sort. Oh boy~ how wrong I was. Yeah she is gloomy but all her gloominess actually more comically than depressing. And she doesn’t afraid to actually voice her opinion… even if it end up meaningless.
Ema life turn upside down the day she accidentally hear a confession made by one of the student to a handsome tall blond student. After cruelly rejected the girl, he suddenly caught Ema and show interest on her. Like any other normal person, Ema choose the most sensible action. She ran. Too bad she was caught in the end. Only after she was left with Miki, that tall blond student, contact information was she left alone.
Of course that’s not the end of her trouble. Wished to avoid any contact with Miki, she throw away the paper containing Miki info. Unfortunately she was caught by a black haired ermm… average tall guy who just happen to be Miki’s friend. Unable to escape, she was dragged to someplace. And that’s when her life change forever.
Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome Crack PC CODEX Torrent Free Download. Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome Crack When two beautiful young men see the perfect girl be their first model and make a name for themselves, they are determined to break up and make her shine, but first, they have to get her out of her house! 'Like our other recent 18+ releases with all ages Steam versions, we will be providing a free patch for the Steam version of Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome to allow users to access the adult content if they so desire. ・ ぺとぺとさん 7/14 (金) 25:15~25:45 TVK. ・ 機動新撰組 萌えよ剣 TV 7/3 (日) 25:30~26:00 TVK.
Ok that’s a bit long for intro but I can say that I like this game. It’s not what I expect. Fashioning Little Miss Lonesone is a game developed by Kalmia8 and MangaGamer has done a great job picking this tittle as the first well translated commercial R18 otome game (After looking at Kalmia8 previous game… yep this one is the best choice). How to say this… there’s never a dull moment. It’s quite funny even for the bad end and this game have lots of them. There are total 20 ending and I must say it was a fun experience discovering all of them. This game can also be bought in Steam.
Oh btw before I forgot~ if you manage to get all the achievement in this game, MangaGamer has provide a very special surprise for you. Another thing, if you play this game only for the story without any sex scene you can turn that H-scene option off. If you purchase the steam version like me, you have to download the adult patch from Manga Gamer site.
This game is fully voiced thought yeah my sound system still broken so it’s kind of irrelevant for me. I really need to fix that soon… Anyway I actually think the voice actor have done good job. Ema really sound gloomy hahaha and both Miki and Saito sound like what I actually imagine. Ok I am a bit bad at this… but let’s just say they manage to bring the character alive.
So for the character design, for me the sprite are done well and I like how they look. When those sprite stand line to line you can see their difference in height. For Ema sprite, like usual vn fashion, only her face is shown on the text screen. However this game take great care in providing different costume and expression for her sprite and manage to make Ema character more alive and funny.
The cg was divided into two type, chibi version and art version according to my own classification… so I can be wrong :p Usually the chibi CG are done to show comedic scene. It’s done cutely and comically. Like I say before, this game provide more comedic and funny story line rather than dramatic and serious approach. Anyway, I like the art cg thought… for Ema fashion clothes I am… let’s just say not exactly my taste. Most of this kind of cg can be put under two category, pretty and sexy. Well I do have some complain of the positioning but since my eyes can accept them then it’s fine with me.
Moving on… let’s look at the character~
First we have our own mc, Ema Tachibana. You can rename her but I like to go with her default name. Anyway Ema is a gloomy person and like I mention before she is also tall for a girl. Before she meet Saito and Miki, she always alone and friendless. She like to eat one of the thing Saito despair the most. She like to lazy around in her house and don’t like to do any physical work. She actually pretty outspoken though she rarely voice them probably due to lack of confidence. There’s not much say about her family but I got a feeling Ema come from a very influence family. I mean in one of the ending, Ema told her parents that she want to be a star and they easily pull the string to make her one. Further proof is when Miki’s father who are pretty obsessed with fame and success cow to respect when he hear what Ema parents do. Thought we never really found out what exactly they do. They seem to be absent most of the time from Ema’s life. Thought they provide her financially and never make her lack of anything except well family love. If this is some kind of serious dark tale we probably will hear more of that point alas this is not one of them. Especially since Ema doesn’t seem to think anything wrong about it and live accepting it happily.
Then we have our two love interest. Miki and Saito.
Miki Hiraizumi is a talented designer that just come back from America. He view Ema as his muse which give inspiration to his design. Despite being talented, Miki is a hopeless idiot and I can safely say a masochist. He is also very emotional and have tendency to get over dramatic. He have a pet tarantula which he care greatly. He have some problem with his father but pretty close with his sister. He likes to play with dolls and actually a pervert.
Saito Shinjo is a sadist. He is a producer or at least aspire to be one. He wish to produce Ema as a model. Despite his mean face and the way he treat Ema, he actually respect other women especially his mother. He is also a miser and the main financier for Miki creative design. He is also a hard worker and have done many part time job. He have known Miki since his childhood and have stood up by Miki side since then… except when Miki went to America. The running gag in this game is where thought he work for the mafia.
There’s also various supporting character that involve in Ema’s growths. These people either supportive or destructive in their action but among them all I really like Marin. Marin is the hairdresser who help Ema’s makeover. He also responsible in making Ema speak out her thought thought at the very beginning he really terrifies Ema. Then there’s Miki’s father the fame obsessed Makoto Hiraizumi whom Miki really hate, Saito’s co-worker Mao who act like a kindly older sister and Saito’s admire, Sumire. There’s also Rika who works with Mao. Wide array side character that only have one scene and so on.
Finally we move on to the plot. There’s so much I want to say about the plot so I guess I will write separate entry full with spoiler for the story much later on. For now I will just say that if you aspect sweet romance then you will be disappointed. As I mention earlier and as the tittle of this post clearly state, Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome is a comedic story so set your mind with that fact when you start off. I personally really enjoy this game and have a good laugh at it. So if you decide to play it, I hope you will also have that same experience. Thanks for reading.
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