- Neopets Quick Refund
- Neopets Quick Reference
- Neopets Quick Ref Link
- Neopets Quick Ref
- Quick Reference Neopets
- 5th - You can now talk to your Petpets via the Quick Ref page 5th - The first Morphing Potion (Red Aisha) is released 5th - The Neopian Stock Market plummets, causing chaos amongst investors.
- You can view your Neopets' (Marapets') stats at any time by going to the Quick Ref (Main Page) page. You can get to this page by clicking on 'Quick Ref' (Marapets logo) and then the pet you want to view, or by clicking on your Neopet's (Marapet's) name in the yellow sidebar.
- Yesterday, this really weird thing started to happen: almost any Neopets page I try to access on Chrome refreshes straight to quick ref. Weird thing is, the adress stays the same, but the page itself changes.
- Neopets Collection Neopets – Advent Calendar 2020 (Officially Licensed). Neopets Collection Neopets – Obelisk War Faction Patches.
Table of Contents
Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more!
How many Neopets can you adopt?
You may currently have 6 Neopets per account. Premium users may have 7 Neopets per account.
How often can you transfer Neopets?
In addition, pets may only be transferred once per day – if you want to move a pet around for an avatar, for example, be aware that it will take more than a single day. In the event that an incoming transfer isn’t accepted within 72 hours, the transfer will be cancelled and the pet will return to the sender’s account.
How do I get rid of Petpets Neopets?
To do this click on your pets name in the yellow side bar (or click on Quick Ref). When this page loads click on the petpet you wish to remove. A new page will now appear, at the bottom there is a button that says ‘Stop playing with petpet’. Click this and the petpet will now be returned to your items.
Can you trade Neopets?
Pet Trades, or rather, Pet Transfer, is where two users can trade their Neopets, usually by desires of a Pet wearing a rare or unusual coloration scheme, such as Chocolate or Royal.
How do I transfer Neopoints between accounts?
You can then transfer your Neopoints across to your new account using the Trading Post, simply put up a junk item on the receiving account and offer your NP on it (you may need to do this several times due to the 2,000,000 Neopoint offer limit).
Can you send Neopoints to Neofriends?
No, You cannot send Neopoints to other players. If you really want to help someone, you can make them your Neofriend and then you can send them one of your items.
How do you adopt Neopets?
The Neopian Pound
- Select the pet that you would like to adopt and click on ‘Adopt’ at the bottom of the page.
- Select the pet you would like to transfer and click on ‘transfer’.
- A popup appears on your screen.
- The recipient of the pet receives an event telling him/her that somebody is offering a pet to adopt.
Does Neopets still work 2020?

It’s the sole way Neopets runs its major activities, with the vast amount of the website’s content being Flash-based. In 2020, it was confirmed Adobe would end support for the platform and shut it down completely on December 31, 2020.
How much is Neopets worth?
neopets.com is worth $1,688,800 – Worth Of Web.
Why is my Neopets account frozen?
Neopets Quick Refund
In the worst case scenario, Neopets may freeze multiple accounts and even prevent you from making new accounts. This often occurs in cases where a user has a prior history of severe infractions. If you find that pets or items are missing from your account, your account has likely been frozen for your own protection.
How do I contact Neopets?
Need to contact our support team to solve an issue? Please email us at support@neopets.com. After emailing you should receive a ticket number. Provide that number here and we can locate the request and follow up with our support team.
How do you submit a ticket on Neopets?
Navigate to the Neopets website and log in to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Help” to enter the Help Center. Click “Submit a Ticket.” You may also opt to check the FAQ in case your specific problem has already been addressed before filing a request for help.
How long does Neopets take to reply?
It can take months at best. There are a lot of guides out there for getting tickets looked at, as a lot of people have been frozen out of their accounts recently.
Is Neopets a safe site?
good site for kids, not so much for everyone else. Neopets in general isn’t a bad site: fun for the younger crowd to spend some time when they get bored. But once the kid is thirteen, it’s time to drop Neopets for good.
How did Neopets make money?
There were trading cards, plushies, cheap PS1 video games, ads on Nickelodeon, and even talks of a movie in the works. Neopets had become a veritable cash cow. You earn neopoints by playing the sites hundreds of games in what’s more or less the Neopets equivalent of grinding; the more you play, the more you earn.
What are Neopets stuffed animals?
Neopets Quick Reference
Plushie (toy) You can collect Plushie toys for your pet to play with and to make it happier. Like stuffed animals in real life, many of the plushies look like Neopian species. Some examples are Green Hissi Plushie, Blue Peophin Squishy Plushie or Blue Kacheek Plushie.
How do you make money fast on Neopets?
The games reward different values of Neopoints, but some of the best/easiest games to quickly earn Neopoints each day are:
- Spellseeker.
- Fashion Fever (literally just start the game, press “End Game” without dressing the character and send the score x3 for a quick and easy 900 NP.
- Spell-or-Starve.
- Pakiko.
- Shenkuu Tanagram.
How do you get money on Neopets Cheats?
You make more money in less time by submitting your 800 and moving on to another game or restocking. Do at least fifteen of the tasks on the Daily Neopets list every day to earn quick, easy money.
What is the point of Neopets?
Simply put, Neopets is a Web site that allows members to create and care for virtual creatures. Creating a Neopets account is free. The Web site is supported by the money they make through advertising and marketing, which we’ll discuss in more detail in Behind the Scenes.
Will Neopets die with Flash?
Neopets Quick Ref Link
Flash has fewer than two years left to live, a grace period designed to ease users into the transition. At the end of 2020, Adobe will stop supporting Flash entirely. For Neopets, Flash’s demise is very likely a death knell.
Neopets Quick Ref
What was the first neopet?
Quick Reference Neopets
Neopets: The Darkest Faerie