The Human Design System is a logical system that provides a practical tool for self-discovery and correct decision-making. El capitan cannot be verified.

How your life unfolds depends on the decisions you make. Each decision is critical, taking you along a particular trajectory, ultimately making up the sum total of your life. A right decision keeps you aligned to your path in life. Install el capitan app.
Genetic Matrix develops its own independent Human Design Software. The software can be used to calculate individual, connection, cycle and group Human Design Charts. All basic members can access, generate and save an unlimited number of Individual and Connection Charts for free. Human Design uses your birth data to calculate your Human Design Chart, or BodyGraph. The BodyGraph is a graphic illustration of the energetic flow within your system, a blueprint for how you operate and interact with the world. Mac player apk.
But how do you make a decision? Through reasoning, working out the pros and cons, and ultimately arriving at a well-reasoned guess? Mental reasoning is an ineffective and unreliable decision-making process that more often than not leads to resistance and regrettable choices. This knowledge reveals the most natural way for you, helping you build a foundation for a life without resistance in which decisions can be made with certainty.

Your BodyGraph (Chart) reveals simple techniques for correct decision-making and is also a concrete map that offers a logical way of seeing your unique and individual nature—an extremely accurate tool for self-knowledge.
MyBodyGraph is your user manual. Create your account and explore the free material tailored specifically to your design.
How myBodyGraph works
Free access for all, without the need for a myBodyGraph account:
Human Design is a science of self-discovery. From your personal Human Design chart you can gain enormous insights into your own unique nature: your health, your psychology, your vulnerabilities and limitations as well as your talents, strengths, and gifts. It's practical application carries an immense potential for betterment and fulfillment of the life of each individual. Human Design also provides a framework for understanding human life itself.
Your reading will tell you Who You Are and Who You Are Not. Human Design chart is like an operating manual for life. It can help you understand the story of your life, your successes and failures.Your chart can show you what your authority is and how to use it in making clear, reliable decisions. It can describe your subconscious behavioral programs and patterns. And, it can tell you which of these condition you away from your truth. Making the right decisions eliminates resistance in your life. This alone transforms the places where you are open, vulnerable and conditioned, into areas where you get your deepest wisdom in life.
Often people feel a huge sense of relief when they have their first Human Design reading. They feel validated for being who they are rather than trying to be what others want them to be. This often releases years of guilt, anger, shame and blame. A reading can restore a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. You can give yourself permission to 'be yourself.'
Here is how Ra Uru Hu, the originator of the Human Design System, describes its value: Learn to see how the vehicle [your body] operates.. and the moment you can see how your own vehicle operates, you enter into mythology, real mythology, not made up stuff, not fantasy. You see, it is clear to me that each and every human being has a unique archetypal nature that is here to be explored and expressed. Not by doing anything, but by being yourself. It is our major task, and begins with you simply understanding how you operate. It is the first step for anyone.. just to understand the basic mechanics. What is on in you? And what isn't? What is fixed and reliable? And what is open and vulnerable? Where is your voice? Where is your power? Where is your awareness? The greatest gift is to be able to see clearly the basic matrix from which you operate. From that point on, you can begin the experimentation. This is the most important thing about the nature of Human Design; it is here to be experimented with.
Human Centered Design Software
For information about the origin of the Human Design System, see this article.