More Horse Games. Horses can exist in a wide range of scenarios beyond racing. If you’re looking for a gritty wild west PvP game, saddle up and ride your horse into Bandits Multiplayer PvP. For a more kid-friendly horse game, Cute Horse Hospital is a brilliant game where you can look after all the cute animals and make them better again. Play horse games at Have you wished you owned a pony? Then you will enjoy many horse related games at Y8. Learn to ride and take care of a horse in some games. In others, dress up your horse to take them to a competition or try our luck at horse racing. This category also has unicorns. Our horse riding games feature high-speed, steed action and put you in control. Become a top jockey in Kentucky Derby-style racing or just leisurely jog across beautiful pastures. Our steed games collection showcases a range of styles, from easy-to-play games for children to advanced, 3D, horse-jumping simulations. You can also play this game with slips of paper if you’re short on cash – or bareback if you want a real challenge! There are plenty of variations of different racing games that you can play, depending on the skill levels of your students. Classic horse race. Match two riders, and race from one end of the arena to the other. Create a Horse 99%. Pegasus Maker 99%. Care for the Pony 99%. Barbie Horse Rider Dress Up 99%. Your Pony Type Quiz 99%. Horse Jumping Competition 99%. Hair Studio for Horses. Barbie Horse Riding Style 99%. Care for a Cute Horse 99%.
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Force. Grace. Speed... Horses for us mean perfection. They are just perfect. We admire their movements on fields. We cant imagine life without horses. is a site created for people as we are - Admirers of Horses and Equestrian sports. Feel free to play all day long on because we have the Biggest Collection of Free Online Horse Games. We have more than 5000 free horse and animal games. Also we have created the biggest library of Horse Breeds
We pick all of these games carefully and manually with the goal of giving you the best pleasure and entertainment. Your pleasure while playing our games and all of the games hosted on horse games is the most important thing to us.
We will always try to anticipate your wishes and needs. Because the games are fun and we like having fun. Some of our games will take you to wonderful places of virtual reality, and some of them will make you feel like you are the most famous horse riders in the world. Our games don't know about age limits, gender etc. They are made for all of the young and old people and all of the boys and girls in the world. Also, we always strive and try to decrease the number of ads. And you know what? We are may be the safest site in the world. Because we pick all of the games carefully and manually and of course, all of the games are played by us first and we never publish games that may disturb our visitors in any way. There aren't any games with violence. Because playing is entertainment that can be exciting, but at the same time that has to be nonviolent and safe for the youngest visitors.
At the very beginning, we were focused only on games with horses, but over time, as the interest for new and exciting games increased, we started publishing games with ponies, unicorns etc. Also, very similar to the horse games, we have the best animal games. All this is for providing new content and keep our attendance with the newest and the best games in these categories. Also, we may be the only site that has all of the games with horses and we have the best collections of such games. Of course, only the ones that don't contain violence or any other forms of destroying our visitors' dignity. On our site, you can fint the best serials of games such as: Snail Bob, Bob The Robber, Jumporama, Stickman and much more.
Do you like games with horse jumping? We sure have the best of them. Just look at our collection of 542 Amazing Horse jumping games and everything will come clear. You like Horse riding or horse racing games? We have the best of them too. And not only the best, because we can be subjective, we have almost all of them. If we don't have a certain game and you think that we should, you can comfortably write us an e-mail and we will add it to the collection.
Here you can play online and completely free the best Horse Racing Games and Horse Jumping Games. And do not have any doubts about our commitment for you. We are adding new and even better games every single day. It is simply pleasant to spend time with Play and enjoy!
- Friends:
V2 Progress

- General
- Remembers your login information until you logout - 100% complete
- View most of the game without being logged in - 100% complete
- Ajax auto-saving to help reduce clicking and data loss - 100% complete
- Login/Logout - 100% complete
- Report abuse - 100% complete
- Report a bug - 100% complete
- Contact the helpdesk - 100% complete
- Admin, staff and moderator icons - 100% complete
- Join - 90% complete
- Import a V1 account - 85% complete
- Parental controls and privacy settings - 90% complete
- Autocomplete fields for members, horses and items - 80% complete
- Weather system - 80% complete
- More searches and additional search options - 75% complete
- Stable and land management - 30% complete
- Game notifications and email notifications - 15% complete
- More educational and more realistic - 10% complete
- Porting over original game functionality (this is the biggest task of everything!!) - 10% complete
- Newspaper
- Infinite scroll of articles (keeps loading as you scroll down) - 100% complete
- Post a comment - 100% complete
- Edit your comment - 100% complete
- Rate an article - 100% complete
- Any eligible player can create articles (no newspaper managers) - 100% complete
- Layout
- Comic improvements - 100% complete
- Customizable ticker messages - 100% complete
- Friends and players online collapsible sidebar - 100% complete
- Different WYSIWYG editors with drag/drop image uploading for page layouts - 100% complete
- Support for phone and tablet web browsers - 100% complete
- Easier navigation - 98% complete
- More graphics - 10% complete
- Horses
- Mane and tail colors - 100% complete
- Custom horse generator - 100% complete
- Interactive graphs - 25% complete
- Peak system added - 15% complete
- Body, leg and face markings - 5% complete
- Abilities displayed - 5% complete
- Help & Support
- Linked help and faq topics - 98% complete
- Improved faq information - 95% complete
- Improved help information - 85% complete
- Helpdesk contact system - 80% complete
- Game tutorials - 60% complete
- Game walkthrough - 10% complete
- Mail
- Save a draft - 100% complete
- Recent drafts list - 100% complete
- Recently sent list - 100% complete
- Flag messages - 100% complete
- Manage multiple messages at once - 100% complete
- Mark as read or unread - 100% complete
- Folders - 100% complete
- Manage drafts - 60% complete
- Account
- Friends list - 100% complete
- Blocked list - 100% complete
- Account settings - 100% complete
- Customize page layout - 100% complete
- Change password - 100% complete
- Journal
- Create entries - 100% complete
- Rate entries - 100% complete
- Comment on entries - 100% complete
- Edit entries - 100% complete
- Community
- Rating and reputation system - 90% complete
- @mentions and #hashtags - 50% complete
- Calendar of events and special shows - 25% complete
- Moderator enhancements and additional tools - 25% complete
- Roleplaying overhaul and now in it's own section - 25% complete
- New trade system - 25% complete
- Item crafting, auctions and trades - 0% complete
- Forums
- categories now have sub-categories - 100% complete
- sticky posts - 100% complete
- new post/popular post indicators - 50% complete
- thread subscriptions - 0% complete
- Upgrades
- credits or subscription options - 85% complete
- buy specific features with credits - 80% complete
- permanent and yearly upgrades - 80% complete
- sell, trade, and auction credits - 25% complete
What Is It?
Version 2 is the new and improved White Oak Stables that is currently in development. Version 2 combines English, Racing and Western competition into a single game so you no longer have to login to different registers and use multiple accounts. Version 2, or V2, will be replacing the current version, or V1, of White Oak Stables when it's done. It will have new features, new graphics and new gameplay.
Horse Games Online For Free No Download
When Does it Open?
V2 is scheduled to open by January 2015. Currently the plan is to open it first in a Beta testing state. During this time anyone will be able to join and play Version 2 in it's testing stage. When testing is completed Version 2 will replace the existing version of White Oak Stables.
Can I Have Multiple Accounts?
You may only have one account on Version 2. All of your accounts on V1 will be combined into a single account on V2.
Will I Loose My Account Data?
You may choose to import your old account data into your new V2 account. Any data that can be supported will be moved into V2.

Will I Loose My Upgrades?
V2 uses a new upgrade system meaning that V1 upgrades will no longer be supported in the same way as they were before. For each account with an upgrade that you import into your new V2 account you will recieve the comparable V2 upgrade for that upgrade. V2 upgrades are available by yearly subscription or one time payments for specific features or credits.
Horse Games On Steam
Will I Get A New Account Number?
Yes. Account numbers will be first come first serve when V2 officially opens. Account numbers will reset and start at #2.