Chess Viewer

PGN Mentor is a database/study program that provides extensive functionality for viewing, searching, and analyzing chess games. Chess players and coaches around the world have been using PGN Mentor since 1998.

In addition to the PGN Mentor software, this site is also home to the best collection of PGN files on the web. Visit our PGN Files page for free access to over a million Grandmaster games.

You can try out the demo version of PGN Mentor before purchasing the full version. The demo has full capability for reading and viewing of PGN files, and full functionality for the demo PGN files. Also, a free companion PGN file to the book Garry Kasparov On My Great Predecessors, Part 1 is included with the demo download. Download PGN Mentor.

Once you decide to purchase the program, your payment will be processed immediately and you will be able to download the software right away. Purchase PGN Mentor for only $25.

The Most Watched Chess Twitch Streamers, August 2021. Ranked by the total viewership hours (hours live x average viewers) in the last 30 days. This PGN Viewer is an app to read chess games from files in PGN format. This app visualizes the games and moves in an easy to use interface. PGN file is a 'Portable Game Notation' standard designed for the representation of chess game data using ASCII text files.

  • Play Chess Online. Play games against other Chess Tempo members. Play correspondence or traditional online games. Get a playing rating, and have your games stored in your personal game archive. Play Chess Online chevronright.
  • KnightVision chess tools for chess players. KnightVision chess game PGN Web publishing and chess viewer tool Quick Publisher.
  • Extensive capabilities for searching PGN files
  • Large ECO opening book database, over 13,400 individual lines
  • Tree organization modes for PGN files and ECO code openings
  • Powerful database functions for creating customized databases
  • Enhanced display layout for viewing and creating annotated games
  • Crafty interface to play or analyze games utilizing the Crafty chess engine
  • Universal Chess Interface (UCI) to play or analyze games utilizing UCI chess engines such as Glaurung, Rebel UCI, Ruffian, Rybka, and many more
  • Creation of chess diagrams in GIF, JPEG, PNG, Bitmap and HTML formats

On July 20 I woke up early and started doing tactics on I then noticed an email from Robert Gascon with subject heading “Excel ChessGames Viewer“! Robert also reminded me that it was International Chess Day!

(download Robert’s amazing Excel ChessGames Viewer)

It’s rare that Chess & Excel overlap! What should I do first? Audit formulas? Review games?


Sheet ‘Instructions’

See how to add a new game and how to review the moves on the board.

Review a Game

Let’s review a classic game! Below we see sheet ‘Board’.

Select a game: in cell B4 I selected ‘Kasparov’s Brilliancy’.

Chess Viewer Mac

See the moves: click the “^” spinner button on the right.

The next move is the brilliant move! Can you see it?

Hold spin buttons to quickly cycle through moves or enter sequence number in the cell K6.

How do the pieces move?

Everything starts with the game you select in cell B4. Cells B5 & B6 retrieve game details.

In cell B9 we see this key formula:


There are two LOOKUP functions in this formula. Let’s examine the inner LOOKUP.

LOOKUP’s lookup_value is hard-coded to 2 (I’ll explain later).

1/(CHOOSE(MoveChoice,WhiteMoves,BlackMoves)=B$8&$A9) is the lookup_vector (where we look).

Select lookup_vector and press F9 key to see this:

Why so many errors? Because of =B$8&$A9 Only the current cell’s a8 co-ordinate matches the result of CHOOSE(MoveChoice,WhiteMoves,BlackMoves). You’ll see a 1 above in the 19th position.

CHOOSE(MoveChoice,WhiteLabels,BlackLabels) is the result_vector (answer we retrieve).

Select result_vector and press F9 key to see this:

The lookup_value is hard-coded to 2. We won’t find 2 in lookup_vector results so LOOKUP defaults to last value of 1 (19th position). Answer is BR (position 19 of results_vector) that’s used in the outer LOOKUP function!

=LOOKUP(“BR”,PieceIcons) look for BR(black rook) in named range PieceIcons (=Board!$L$9:$M$21)

Continue Auditing

To get all the way back to the raw data (sheet ‘Games’) you’ll have to audit these named ranges found inside the double LOOKUP function:

  • MoveChoice
  • WhiteMoves
  • BlackMoves
  • WhiteLabels
  • BlackLabels

Here are some auditing tips:

  • click inside formula bar to see referenced cells
  • unhide columns L & M (to see chess icons)
  • note spinner button values hidden underneath it
  • use F9 key on each part to see results (then press ‘Esc’)
  • audit named ranges carefully

There are 45 named ranges. Select Formulas / Name Manager. Here’s a sample:

Sheet ‘Games’

Starting in column B each column is a game with moves starting in row 8. This is modern chess notation. Each row contains a move from white and black.

Column F’s game is called ‘Amazing Nakamura’. I played through the moves and IT IS amazing!

Material Advantage

Cell B17 (sheet Board) displays chess piece material advantage. Note: a material advantage doesn’t necessarily mean a player is winning.

=CHOOSE((PtLd>-1)+(PtLd>0)+1,”Black”,”None”,”White”)&” has a”&
IF(PtLd,” “&ABS(PtLd)&”-“,”ny “)&
“point lead in chesspieces.”

Formula above uses named range PtLd (sheet Pieces) where the calculation happens. PtLd formula is:

Chess Viewer App


This calculates the value of the pieces. See this post for a detailed explanation.

The Author

Robert H. Gascon is Certified Public Accountant from Quezon City, Philippines.

See his Microsoft tech community profile. Robert is a valued contributor meaning that he answers a lot of questions posted by Excel users.

Robert has an incredibly deep knowledge of Microsoft Excel.

Robert has shared alternative solutions on my blog. I’ve learned a lot from him. Thank you Robert!

About Me

My name is Kevin Lehrbass. I’m a Data Analyst. I live in Markham (Canada).

In 2018 I visited New York City. In central park I found outdoor chess tables and an indoor chess club.


I’ve played chess since I was 11. I was on the chess team in high school. Chess is fascinating and it’s great mental exercise. In the 90s I discovered Excel. I’ve been hooked ever since that day!

And…July 20th was International Chess Day!

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