5e Dmg Firearms


Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net. When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to attack with a net, you can make only one attack regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make. Firearms are a new and volatile technology, and as such bring their own unique set of weapon properties. Some properties are followed by a number, and this number signifies an element of that property (outlined below). These properties replace the optional ones presented in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Firearms are ranged weapons.

Simple Weapons

  • That said, the DMG does give rules for weaponry for renaissance, modern, and futuristic settings. Unfortunately, said weapons are not balanced for the traditional high-fantasy settings most are used to. So, this page will categorize, instead, firearms (or firearm-adjacent creations) that could conceivably fit in your run-of-the-mill D&D campaign.
  • Re: 5e with modern Firearms. Meh, just asked because of the listing of the modern weapons leaked in the DMG and because D20 Modern exists. And then the no magic setting would mean something like no Paladin, Ranger, Warlock, Wizard, Druid, Cleric, and Bard? And the subclasses, Eldritch Knight, Elemental Monk, Shadow Monk, and Arcane Trickster.
Club1 Sp1D4 Bludgeoning2 LbsLight
Dagger2 Gp1D4 Piercing1 LbsFinesse, Light, Thrown (20/60)
Great-Club2 Sp1D8 Bludgeoning10 LbsTwo-Handed
Hand-Axe5 Gp1D6 Slashing2 LbsLight, Thrown (20/60)
Javelin5 Sp1D6 Piercing2 LbsThrown (30/120)
Light Hammer2 Gp1D4 Bludgeoning2 LbsLight, Thrown (20/60)
Mace5 Gp1D6 Bludgeoning4 Lbs-
Quarterstaff2 Sp1D6 Bludgeoning4 LbsVersatile (1D8)
Sickle1 Gp1D4 Slashing2 LbsLight
Spear1 Gp1D6 Piercing3 LbsThrown (20/60), Versatile (1D8)

Simple Ranged Weapons

Crossbow, Light25 Gp1D8 Piercing5 LbsAmmunition, Range (80/320), Loading, Two-Handed
Dart5 Cp1D4 Piercing1/4 LbsFinesse, Thrown (20/60)
Shortbow25 Gp1D6 Piercing2 LbsAmmunition, Range (80/320), Two-Handed
Sling1 Sp1D4 Piercing-Ammunition, Range (30/120)

Martial Weapons

Battleaxe10 Gp1D8 Slashing4 LbsVersatile (1D10)
Flail10 Gp1D8 Bludgeoning2 Lbs-
Glaive20 Gp1D10 Slashing6 LbsHeavy, Reach, Two-Handed
Greataxe30 Gp1D12 Slashing7 LbsHeavy, Two-Handed
Great-sword50 Gp2D6 Slashing6 LbsHeavy, Two-Handed
Halberd20 Gp1D10 Slashing6 LbsHeavy, Reach, Two-Handed
Lance10 Gp1D12 Piercing6 LbsReach, Special
Long-sword15 Gp1D8 Slashing3 LbsVersatile (1D10)
Maul10 Gp2D6 Bludgeoning10 LbsHeavy, Two-Handed
Morning-star15 Gp1D8 Piercing4 Lbs-
Pike5 Gp1D10 Piercing18 LbsHeavy, Reach, Two-Handed
Rapier25 Gp1D8 Piercing2 LbsFinesse
Scimitar25 Gp1D6 Slashing3 LbsFinesse, Light
Short-sword10 Gp1D6 Piercing2 LbsFinesse, Light
Trident5 Gp1D6 Piercing4 LbsThrown (20/60), Versatile (1D8)
War pick5 Gp1D8 Piercing2 Lbs-
War-hammer15 Gp1D8 Bludgeoning2 LbsVersatile (1D10)
Whip2 Gp1D4 Slashing3 LbsFinesse, Reach

Martial Ranged Weapons

Blowgun10 Gp1 Piercing1 LbsAmmunition, Range (25/100), Loading
Crossbow, Hand75 Gp1D6 Piercing3 LbsAmmunition, Range (30/120), Light, Loading
Crossbow, Heavy50 Gp1D10 Piercing18 LbsAmmunition, Range (100/400), Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed
Longbow50 Gp1D8 Piercing2 LbsAmmunition, Range (150/600), Heavy, Two-Handed
Net1 Gp-3 LbsSpecial, Thrown (5/15)


Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack. At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield. If you use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a melee attack, you treat the weapon as an improvised weapon.


When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls.


Small creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls with heavy weapons.


A light weapon is small and easy to handle, making it ideal for use when fighting with two weapons.


Because of the time required to load this weapon, you can fire only one piece of ammunition from it when you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to fire it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.

5e Dmg Gun


A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a range shown in parentheses after the ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon’s normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon’s maximum range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can’t attack a target beyond the weapon’s long range.


Weapon Damage 5e

This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it.


A weapon with the special property has unusual rules governing its use.


If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a melee attack with the weapon. For example, if you throw a handaxe, you use your Strength, but if you throw a dagger, you can use either your Strength or your Dexterity, since the dagger has the finesse property.


This weapon requires two hands to use.



This weapon can be used with one or two hands. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property the damage when the weapon is used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Silvered Weapons

Some monsters that have immunity or resistance to non-magical weapons are susceptible to silver weapons, so cautious adventurers invest extra coin to plate their weapons with silver. You can silver a single weapon or ten pieces of ammunition for 100 Gp. This cost represents not only the price of the silver, but the time and expertise needed to add silver to the weapon without making it less effective.

Special Weapons

Dnd 5e Dmg Firearms

Weapons with special rules are described here.


You have disadvantage when you use a lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. Also, a lance requires two hands to wield when you aren’t mounted.


A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures that are form less, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net. When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to attack with a net, you can make only one attack regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.

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This list of homebrew content includes modern weapons made on D&D Wiki for 5e. 'Modern weapons' wouldn't be possible before the early 1900s of the real world, up to weaponry that would be possible in modern reality. This section could include automatic weapons, nuclear devices, electricity, and computerized weaponry, among other possibilities. Simple firearms like muskets might be considered renaissance weapons instead, while weapons incorporating more advanced technology would be instead categorized as futuristic.

This list excludes magic weapons and any pages with maintenance templates.

The weapons herein are so far beyond the technology of a typical D&D campaign that costs are not shown. These weapons should usually be treated as rare and priceless as magic items, but in specific campaigns these items may be considered 'mundane' and have relevant costs listed. Common weapons are equal to or weaker than the automatic pistol

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Please leave the '(5e Equipment)' identifier in the page title when making creating your new equipment! Weapons which are statistically identical or extremely similar to first-party weapons should go on Weapon Alternatives (5e Other), not here.

Simple Melee Weapons[edit]

Simple Melee WeaponsRarityDamageWeightProperties
Drill Common1d6 bludgoening10 lbsHeavy, Special
Hydraulic Drill Common1d6 piercing9 lb.Heavy, Reload(20 uses of the pressurized canister )
Lunge Mine Very Rare4d6 bludgeoning + 4d6 fire3 lb.Two-Handed, Heavy, Thrown (10/15), Special
Punch Gun Common1 bludgeoning + 2d8 piercing1 lb.Glove, hidden, light, reload (2 shots), short burst (1)

Simple Ranged Weapons[edit]

Simple Ranged WeaponsRarityDamageWeightProperties
Baseball Common1d3 Bludgeoning1/2 lb.Thrown (range 20/60), light, finesse, special
Flare Gun CommonSpecial2 lb.Two-Handed. Ammunition (Range 60/120 ft.), Reload (1 shot), Special
KS-23 Rare3d10 piercing9 lb.Ammunition (range 50/150), reload (4 shots), two-handed
Molotov Cocktail Common1d6 fire damage1 lb.Light, thrown (30/120)
Shotgun, Auto Uncommon2d8 piercing11 lb.Ammunition (range 30/90), reload (6 shots), short burst (2), two- handed
Shotgun, Pump Common2d8 piercing9 lb.Ammunition (range 30/90), reload (5 shots), two-handed
Taser Common1d4 lightning damage1 lbsLight, Range (20/40), Special

Martial Melee Weapons[edit]

Martial Melee WeaponsRarityDamageWeightProperties
Buzzsaw Uncommon2d8 slashing20 lb.Heavy, Special
Chainsaw Uncommon2d8 slashing13 lb.Heavy, two-handed
Chainsaw Bayonet Rare1d10 slashing1 lb.Light, special
Gunblade, Variant Rare1d6 slashing6 lbFinesse, special
Monofilament Wire rare2d6 slashing1 lb.Two-Handed, Finesse, double weapon (2d6)
Monster Chainsaw Rare2d12 slashing45 lb.Heavy, Stabilizing, two-handed, reach
NRS-2 Rare1d4 slashing/2d6 piercing3 lb.Finesse, Light, Thrown (range 20/60), Special, Ammunition (range 30/120), Loading

Martial Ranged Weapons[edit]

Martial Ranged WeaponsRarityDamageWeightProperties
.454 Casull Rare3d6 piercing13 lb.Ammunition (range 50/150), reload (6 shots), armor piercing (-3), heavy
25mm 'Joshua' Hand Cannon Legendary8d10 piercing35 lb.Ammunition (range 80/240), reload (3 shots), armor piercing (-5), heavy, stabilizing
2mm Kolibri Pistol Common1 piercing½ lb.Ammunition (range 20/60), hidden, light, reload (5 shots), special, undersized
Anti-Materiel Rifle Very Rare8d6 Piercing30 lb.Ammunition (range 180/540), armor piercing (-3), heavy, reload (10 shots), special, two-handed, scope (range 540), stabilizing
Arm Gyrojet Uncommon2d4 bludgeoning1 lb.Ammunition (range 60/180), glove, hidden, Light, short burst (2), reload (6 shots)
Arm Shotgun Rare2d6 piercing4 lbAmmunition (range 30/90), burst fire, glove, reload (12 shots)
Assault Rifle Rare3d8 piercing10 lb.Ammunition (range 200/600), burst fire, reload (30 shots), short burst (2), two-handed
Battle Rifle Rare2d10 piercing11 lb.Ammunition (range 80/240), reload (20 shots), short burst (2), two-handed
Bazooka Legendary6d8 bludgeoning + 6d8 fire16 lb.Ammunition (range 60/600), armor piercing (-5), heavy, loading, special, two-handed
Bolt Action Pistol Uncommon2d12 piercing4 lb.Ammunition (range 80/240), loading
Browning Hi-Power Common2d6 piercing2 lbs.Ammunition (range 50/150), reload (13 shots)
Combat Pistol 'Jackal' Very Rare4d8 piercing35 lb.Ammunition (range 60/180), reload (6 shots), armor piercing (-3), heavy
Combat Shotgun Uncommon2d8 piercing9 lb.Heavy,two-handed,Range self(20ft cone), Ammunition, reload (6 shots)
Compound Bow Uncommon1d10 piercing3 lb.Ammunition (range 120/500), two-handed
Flamethrower Very Rare2d8 fire50 lb.Ammunition (range 75/120), heavy, reload (10 shots), two-handed, special
Grenade Launcher, Multiple RareSpecial12 lb.Two-Handed. Ammunition (Range 200/600 ft.), Reload (6 shot), Special
Grenade Launcher, Variant UncommonSpecial7 lb.Two-Handed. Ammunition (Range 200/600 ft.), Reload (1 shot), Special
Grenade, Beehive UncommonSpecial1/2 lb.Thrown (60 ft.), Special
Grenade, Concussion CommonSpecial1/2 lb.Thrown (60 ft.), Special
Grenade, Flare CommonSpecial1/2 lb.Thrown (60 ft.), Special
Grenade, Fragmentation
Grenade, Incendiary CommonSpecial1/2 lb.Thrown (60 ft.), Special
Grenade, Launcher
Grenade, Smoke
Grenade, Stun CommonSpecial1/2 lb.Thrown (60 ft.), Special
Grenade, Tear Gas UncommonSpecial1/2 lb.Thrown (60 ft.), Special
Gunshield Very Rare2d6 piercing11 lb.Ammunition (range 30/90), burst fire, reload (30 shots), short burst (2), special, two-handed
Harkonnen Very Rare10d8 piercing120 lb.Ammunition (range 180/540), armor piercing (-4), heavy, reload (5 shots), special, two-handed, scope (range 540), stabilizing
Harkonnen II Very Rare10d8 piercing300 lb.Ammunition (range 40/120), armor piercing (-4), heavy, burst fire, reload (70 shots), special, two-handed, short burst (3), stabilizing
Heavy Machine Gun Rare4d6 piercing80 lb.Ammunition (range 80/240), burst fire, reload (100 shots), two-handed, heavy, stabilizing
Heavy Shotgun Uncommon2d6 Piercing9.3 lb.Heavy, two-handed, reload (5 shots), Range self(15ft cone)
Light Anti-Tank Weapon Legendary10d10 bludgeoning + 10d10 fire15 lb.armor piercing (-5), heavy, loading, special (range 60/600), two-handed
Light Machine Gun Rare3d6 piercing30 lb.Ammunition (range 80/240), burst fire, heavy, reload (100 shots), two-handed, short burst (2)
Machine Pistol Common2d6 piercing2 lb.Ammunition (range 50/150), burst fire, reload (30 shots), short burst (2 shots)
Magnum Revolver Uncommon2d10 piercing3 lb.Reload (6 Rounds), Range (60/180), Heavy
Minigun Rare4d10 piercing65 lb.Ammunition (range 40/240), burst fire, heavy, reload (45 shots), two-handed, short burst (3), Stabilizing
Panzerknacke Legendary5d6 bludgeoning + 5d6 fire5 lb.Ammunition (range 100/300), armor piercing (-3), glove, hidden, loading
Pistol, Automatic
Pistol, Heavy Automatic Uncommon2d8 piercing4 lb.Ammunition (range 60/180), reload (9 shots)
Pistol, Light Automatic Common2d4 piercing1 lb.Ammunition (range 40/120), hidden, light, reload (6 shots)
Rifle, Automatic
Rifle, Hunting
RPG Legendary6d10 bludgeoning + 6d10 fire18 lb.Ammunition (range 60/600), armor piercing (-5), heavy, loading, special, two-handed
S&W 500 Rare3d8 piercing5 lb.Reload (5 Rounds), Range (60/180), Heavy
Scrap Gun Rare1d10 piercing80 lb.Ammunition (range 80/240), heavy, loading, special
Silenced .22 Pistol Common2d4 piercing2 lbAmmunition (range 30/90), hidden, reload (16), silenced
Sniper Rifle, Variant Rare2d10 piercing17 lb.Ammunition (range 180/540), reload (5 shots), scope (range 540), two-handed
Submachine Gun Uncommon2d6 piercing5 lb.Ammunition (range 65/195), burst fire, reload (30 shots), short burst (2 shots)
Volcanic Pistol Uncommon2d8 piercing2 lbAmmunition (range 40/120), loading
Winchester Model 1873 Rare2d8 piercing9½ lb.Ammunition (range 80/240), reload (8 shots), two-handed, burst fire (2)
Wrist Gun Uncommon2d6 Piercing3 lb.Ammunition (range 30/90), light, Reload (6), Short Burst (2), Glove, Special


.44 Cal. Minie Ball
Armor Piercing Bullets (10)
Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot Rounds (10)
Bullets, 9*18 mm (50) 1 lb.
Bullets, 9*19 mm (50) 1 lb.
Dragon's Breath
Explosive Bullets (10)
Hellsing Special Ammunition (10)
High Explosive Ammo
Hollow Point Bullets (10)
Incendiary Bullets (10)
Match Grade Bullets (10)
Rubber Bullets (10)
Semi-Armor Piercing Bullets (10)
Subsonic Bullets (10)
Tranquilizer Rounds (10)
Web Cartridge

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