“Get 3 hours of work done in 3 minutes.” with Animation Composer 2 for After Effects from Mister Horse! Download for free now!
- If you have installed Animation Composer and it is missing in the Window menu, try the following solutions. Possible solution 1 Open Mister Horse Product Manager (downloaded from Animation Composer website ) application and verify the plugin is really installed.
- Installation of Animation Composer & Preset Packs. Animation Composer is a native plugin for Adobe After Effects, made to improve workflows of motion designers. It's a huge library of animation presets, which you can quickly browse, preview and use in your projects. To find out more about Animation Composer and Mister Horse visit.
Upgrading from Animation Composer 2 to Animation Composer 3 Missing sounds after updating to Animation Composer 3 Wrong names under layer's Master Properties group (Slider/Checkbox/Point Control instead of proper names).
I’ve just downloaded Animation Composer 2 and can’t wait to try it out. There are transitions presets, effects, royalty-free content in precomps to help with your workflow in After Effects. Animation Composer 2 requires After Effects CS5 and higher.
Other Tools to Help with Workflow in After Effects
Below are three workflow tools for After effects that you may not be familiar with.
Video Copilot FX Console
Speed up After Effects by making it work your way! Manage design progress with the new Snapshot tool and find the effects you need instantly! And it’s free!! Macos xbox app.
Dataclay Templater Rig
Easily customize video with an elegant and streamlined workflow solution. Templater turns the arduous task of customizing video content into an elegant workflow solution. Users automate AE project customization with a simple interface that transforms text, footage, and solid layers into dynamic elements. Templater is design aware; automatically adjusting dynamic elements to produce a finely crafted result just the way you like.
Download & Install Animation Composer 3 Plugin For After ..

Animation Composer After Effects
Posted by Michele Yamazaki