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Pathfinder Publication - a unit of Pathfinder Academy - is publishing scientific books and educational materials for graduate and postgraduate students and lifelong learners. Founded in the year 2007, Pathfinder Publication has established itself in the publishing fraternity as a reliable, high-quality solutions provider to people who wanted to meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. We are producing quality print products in both content and forms. This is reflected in our attention to detail in layout and design, photography and contents. Currently our focus is on the finest scholarly works in Life Sciences and Biotechnology. We have published scientific books and educational materials for graduate and postgraduate students and lifelong learners. These scientific literary works are designed to help the students to strengthen scientific and competitive expertise and temperament. We continually explore, create and adopt new innovations to keep our solutions ahead of the curve. We deliver the best competitive solution, a custom approach specifically designed with your need in mind. But custom doesn't mean costly.
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